allowing patience and 5 reasons to start a daily mindful practice

This painting holds a lot of meaning for me. I started it before I moved into my new studio over a year and a half ago and only recently finished it. After my move I wasn't in the same “head space” to return to it so it sat in my studio, waiting for that beautiful flow of inspiration to strike.

Inspiration usually comes easily for me so this was a lesson in allowing patience and awaiting inspiration. As an artist I have learned that you cannot force flow. You can show up to the easel every day, but cannot rush the work. Much like love it has its own indescribable energy.

What I can do is get myself into the best state of mind to receive inspiration. It's a delicate dance. I do this through my morning mindfulness practice.I recognized the importance of having a mindfulness practice after reading Jon Kabat-Zinn's wonderful book, Wherever you go, there you are . It taught me how to quiet my mind and set myself up for a great day.

My morning routine usually starts with a short meditation (the insight timer is a great app for this), then coffee while setting my intentions for the day and reading over my affirmations. I then take a moment to write in my gratitude journal and do a little reflective writing. I usually fit in a little exercise and listen to something inspirational while I workout.

Not every day looks like this of course, but I do my best because of how good it makes me feel. I believe when you are in a joyful state it spills out into the lives of every person you encounter and I am very conscious of the energy I wish to put out into the world.

“Joy has momentum”


If you are looking for a little more joy & peace in your life I encourage you to start a morning mindfulness practice of your own. It doesn't have to look like mine, you can create one that serves your well-being

Maybe it's as simple as putting on music you love while you get ready in the morning, or making a mental list of the things you are grateful for while you make breakfast. It could even be as simple as setting the intention to feel good and thinking thoughts that bring you joy. When you do you will attract more of them.

Do you have a morning practice?

What is one thing you do, or would like to do to start your day off on a positive note?

Share with me in the comments below.

Sending Cheery Smiles & love your way...

xo Laura :)

p.s. If you would like to know when new reflections are posted join my tribe of joy seekers HERE


Are you allowing time for JOY?


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