
My sweet Kenny Chesney has done it again, not only reminding me that I will soon be able to dust off my flip flops, but speaking to me through his music.

I am constantly re-evaluating my life, revisiting how I am spending my time, wanting to be more productive and present to my work. I never seem to fit everything in so I decided to "track my day".

I hate to admit this, yet wasn't totally shocked to learn I was spending too much time online.

Of course having an online business there are times when I need to be, but it is easy to get distracted by a gorgeous Sundance Catalog ad luring me to their site with the exact flowery top I was drooling over the night before (a little creepy, yes?).

I learned that I had become a slave to the "ding" on my phone and computer. I had conditioned myself to believe it was the most urgent thing in the world, when it was largely just distracting me from what was truly important. I have been diligently working towards changing this and found this great article, 10 tips for disconnecting from tech. It prompted me to turn off the notifications on my devices. This way I can check them on my scheduled time. I especially like tips  #5, #6  &  #9.

I don't believe I am the only one who has trouble tuning out the tech which is why Kenny Chesney's new song, "Noise" really resonated with me. The message of the song is that we are constantly bombarded by media which has become a part of the way we live. It's an observation of our culture and is up to us how we choose to navigate it. He encourages us to "unplug" and appreciate this beautiful world we live in, if only for a little while. (I especially love the end of the video)

"If you love someone, tell them you love them. Don't text it to them! There is so much life to be lived outside our phones." ~Kenny Chesney

This Rolling Stone article described the video as

"the equivalent of a Jackson Pollock painting: the busiest piece of art you've ever seen, with a million different strokes merged together into one beautifully chaotic theme."

I will be going to Kenny Chesney's concert this weekend for his "Spread the Love" tour. His music has the ability to slow me down, make me think as well as transport me to a tiki bar on an island where I haven't a care in the world but the crashing waves and the sand between my toes.  I can't wait to get caught up in the moment and rock out with my "finger in the air".

I am committed to spending more time outdoors, exploring this beautiful world and less time unnecessarily on my devices.

May you find a moment to pause, take a deep breath and appreciate this magnificant world we live in.

Cheery Smiles your way...

p.s. I wondered what you think about all the noise we encounter as a culture on a daily basis. How has it effected your life? I would love to start a conversation about this in the comments below. 

p.s.s. This is a really great article on The Disease of Being Busy. I want to know how your heart is today...


gifts of nature


For the love of trees, painting & the Earth