Are you allowing time for JOY?


When was the last time you did something just for the pure joy it?


As you may know I am a big fan of creating time for joy.

Painting does this for me, but sometimes I need to totally clear my mind and like doing something crafty for my home, just for the fun of it. At the beginning of the Summer I decided to make a wreath for my front door.

Although I am not usually a fan of silk flowers, I have to say they have come a long way! There were so many great colors, shapes and textures to choose from. I picked bright, cheery colors so that they could be seen from the road and would compliment my front door.  

I had so much fun making it! It still makes me smile every time I pull into my driveway and see it! I believe now more than ever that joy is essential in our lives. It's at the heart of my work as an artist and something I try to infuse into everything I do. Creating time to do the things you love illuminates not only your spirit, but the lives of those around you. This is the rapture I believe Joseph Campbell is referring to in the quote above.

"Joy has energy and makes the world a better place.”


Joy also inspired this new painting. It's how I wish to feel every day and is a reminder that  joy is essential for not only our well-being but the lives of those around us.

"When you create time to get into a joyful state you are better able to serve others.”

I wonder how often we forget this or disregard it as necessary?This week I would like to invite you to do something for the pure joy of it.

What is your spirit craving?

Maybe it's getting a massage, spending time in your garden, or going on a hike. Other ideas maybe baking something delightful, laughing with a friend, or trying a new craft. Notice how you feel. Notice how others respond to you when you are in a happy place. I dare you! :)

Share something that brings you joy in the comments below.

Let's start a Joy Movement!

Sending cheery smiles & love your way...

Laura :)

p.s. If you would like to know when new reflections are posted join my tribe of joy seekers HERE


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