5 Ways to Welcome Spring: Rituals for New Beginnings

Spring brings with it an invitation to awaken our senses renew our lives. 

The Spring Equinox marks the end of winter which makes this summer beach girl very happy! The days will be getting longer and the extra sunshine does wonders for my creative spirit. I’m noticing the crocus and daffodil bulbs peeking through the earth and the trees starting to show signs of new growth. I will soon be trading my sweaters and winter boots for sundresses and flip-flops. YAY! 

I always feel a stirring of excitement in my soul at the beginning of spring, like I’m ready to greet each new day with renewed enthusiasm. Perhaps you feel the same? 


What do you want to embody in this new season?

For me, it’s setting new intentions, traveling, long walks at the beach, sprucing up my home and studio with a deep cleanse, moving artwork around, and rearranging cherished objects to create pretty spring vignettes. I thought I would share some of my favorite ideas for welcoming spring in case you were in need of some renewal of your own.  

5 WAYS to Welcome Spring: Rituals for New Beginnings


Going outside has been known to boost your mood and bring your senses alive. It just feels good and has so many positive effects on our lives.


  • Step outside your door, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Open them and look at the world with fresh eyes. I’m always amazed at how different the world looks. I see so many textures and different colors I hadn’t been present to just moments before.

  • Take a walk around your neighborhood or find a hiking trail near you. I don’t love walking in winter so when spring comes you can find me outside walking every chance I get.

  • Visit an arboretum or park. Arboretums are also a good winter activity.

  • Take a drive to the beach if you live near the shore. Trust me, just being by the sea will engulf you in peace. 

  • Pay attention to the changing of the seasons around you. Notice the buds starting to form on the trees and the bulbs peeking through the earth.

  • Consider starting a nature journal to record what you see in nature. Sketch, photograph, or write about your observations.  

  • Add nature-inspired art or plants to your home decor to connect you with nature’s peace and calm. 


What do you want to grow in this new season?

Who and what do you want to align yourself with?

How does the future version of you behave? What habits do you embody?


  • Write down your ideas and intentions in a journal.

  • Create a vision board. Vision boards are simply a collage of visual images or words that represent the life you want to live. They help focus your brain on what you are wanting. Think of them like a dream board to help get your mind focused on what you are wanting in your life.

Vision boards are a tangible representation of the vision you have for yourself. You can make one by hand with magazine cut-outs on a bulletin board or poster board, or make one digitally, via a website like Pinterest or Canva. It can represent your vision for a particular area of your life (i.e. health, career), or your whole life in general. 

“Energy goes where attention flows.”


A cleanse of any kind can feel so renewing and gratifying.


  • Deep clean your house. Consider using cleaners that are more sustainable and have less harmful effects on you and the planet. Some of my favorites are Norwex (I LOVE these products so much for how they work and the values of the company) and Young Living (smells SO good!). *not affiliated

  • Smudge your home with palo santo or sage to invite positive energy into your home.

  • Open your windows and let some fresh air in.

  • Try a cleanse for your health. I like to cleanse with each new season and they look different each time. An easy cleanse to start with is simply having a green smoothie a day. I love Simple Green Smoothies for their free challenges, many smoothie ideas, and plant-based recipes. I bought their cookbook and every recipe I’ve tried was delicious.  


I love rearranging things in my home, especially with the seasons. It brings a freshness to my home and allows me to see all the vintage items, art, books, and things I’ve collected from my travels with fresh eyes and appreciation.


  • Go through what you have with a critical eye and edit out and donate what you no longer love or use and donate it. I do this with books and clothes as well. 

  • Create fresh, spring vignettes. I love mixing art with fresh flowers and treasured objects.


Bring nature into your home and appreciate its beauty. 


  • Fill your home with plants. Yes, my house is a bit of a jungalow. There’s not a room in my house without a plant. I LOVE them! They make me feel good and are the easiest thing to decorate with. Not to mention the effects they have on our air and our well-being. Yes, you should get that plant! 

  • Grow healthy herbs in your kitchen. They not only look and smell nice they are great for cooking and for salads.

  • Bring home some freshly cut flowers or forage for pretty foliage that will add color and texture to your home. I always have flowers in little posies all over my house. They just make my heart happy.

  • Add natural themed accessories. I love using driftwood, stones, and shells I’ve collected from the beach as well as accessories like bedding and pillows in fun colors and patterns with floral motifs or in the colors of the sea.

  • Infuse your home with nature-inspired art. I love collecting art, especially from friends. Luckily most of my artist friends also share a deep appreciation for nature which spills out into the most beautiful expressions with their art. Have a peek at their work and fall in love with their work as much as I have: Tina Hirsig, Annie Wildey, Diana Sartor, Kathy Johnson, & Michelle Dyson.

There are so many ways to bring nature into our lives and our homes. Let your intuition guide you and take some time to play. 

much love,

Laura 💞

p.s. If you would like to see some of my latest nature-inspired art you can follow me on Instagram or click to see my floral and seascape paintings.


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